Shiranai Kanojo: Directed by Takahiro Miki. With Jun Fubuki, Kenta Kiritani, Wan Marui, Hidekazu Mashima. Riku Kanbayashi and Minami Maezono fell in love with each other in college and got married. Later, Riku became a bestselling novelist thanks to Minami’s support, however, Minami’s dream of becoming a singer remained unfulfilled. One day, their relationship hits the breaking point after a thoughtless remark from Riku, leading to a huge fight. The next morning, Riku wakes up to find Minami gone. As he goes to his publisher, he realizes that the famous author he thought he was has been reduced to a mere editor at a literary magazine. Meanwhile, the city is buzzing with the presence of a talented singer-songwriter named Minami Maezono-someone Riku has never even met before.
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