database, 512 GB of SSD M.2 is provided at the top trim level. All Lenovo Ideapat gambled miles have received 15.6 inches IPS-matix screen. In addition, the top members of the family are fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, did not blurred to 120-165 Hz. Among other aspects of the laptop, the Wi-Fi 6 standard, self-control, then attributing a fast battery, then the charge of the keyboard. P>
database, 512 GB of SSD M.2 is provided at the top trim level. All Lenovo Ideapat gambled miles have received 15.6 inches IPS-matix screen. In addition, the top members of the family are fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, did not blurred to 120-165 Hz. Among other aspects of the laptop, the Wi-Fi 6 standard, self-control is rose up to 5 hours, and staying on the backboard attribution. P>
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